A Day Out at the Beach (Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)
(Idioms and Phrasal Verbs ) It was a glorious summer day, the sun shining brightly and the gentle breeze carrying the salty scent of the ocean. I decided to head down to the beach to chill out and soak up some rays.
As I walked along the shore, I couldn't help but feel on top of the world. The vast expanse of the ocean, the sparkling waves, and the vibrant blue sky filled me with a sense of peace and tranquility.
I found a cozy spot under a shady tree and spread out my towel. I kicked off my shoes and dug my toes into the warm sand. I closed my eyes and listened to the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore.
After a while, I decided to take a dip in the cool waters. I dove in and swam out a little way, enjoying the feeling of the salty water lapping against my skin. As I floated on my back, I couldn't help but let my mind wander.
When I emerged from the water, I dried off and slathered on some sunscreen. I lounged around on my towel, watching the people go about their business. Some were building sandcastles, while others were playing volleyball or taking a stroll along the shore.
As the day wore on, I began to feel a little sleepy. I curled up on my towel and dozed off for a while. When I woke up, the sun was starting to set, casting a golden glow over the beach.
I packed up my things and headed back to my car. As I drove away, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the relaxing day I had spent at the beach. It was the perfect way to unwind and recharge my batteries.
1. Lock down:
Definition: (PHR V) To think that one is better than others.
English: He's been locking himself down since he got promoted.
Russian: Он зазнался с тех пор, как его повысили.
2. Breaks my heart:
Definition: (IDM) Makes one very upset or sad.
English: It breaks my heart to see her so unhappy.
Russian: Это разбивает мне сердце видеть ее такой несчастной.
3. Keep up:
Definition: (PHR V) To move or make progress at the same rate as someone or something else.
English: Can you keep up with me?
Russian: Ты можешь идти в ногу со мной?
4. Does my nut:
Definition: (IDM, informal) Makes one annoyed or irritated.
English: His constant complaining does my nut.
Russian: Его постоянные жалобы меня бесят.
5. Get wearing:
Definition: (IDM) Becomes exhausting or tiresome.
English: This job is getting wearing.
Russian: Эта работа меня изматывает.
6. Life or death:
Definition: (IDM) Vitally important or crucial.
English: This is a life or death situation.
Russian: Это вопрос жизни и смерти.
7. End up:
Definition: (PHR V) To get into a particular situation, often unexpectedly.
English: We ended up staying at a hotel.
Russian: Мы в итоге остановились в отеле.
8. Go on:
Definition: (IDM) Can't think what to do or say.
English: I don't know what to say. I'm completely at a loss.
Russian: Я не знаю, что сказать. Я совершенно растерялся.
1. Lock down:
Formal: He has been acting superior since his promotion.
Informal: She's got her nose stuck up in the air.
Slang: She's full of herself.
2. Breaks my heart:
Formal: It causes me great emotional pain.
Informal: It makes me feel really down.
Slang: It's a bummer.
3. Keep up:
Formal: Maintain the same pace or level.
Informal: Stay on the same level.
Slang: Don't fall behind.
4. Does my nut:
Formal: Irritates me greatly.
Informal: Drives me crazy.
Slang: Gets on my nerves.
5. Get wearing:
Formal: Become tiresome or exhausting.
Informal: Wear me out.
Slang: Grind my gears.
6. Life or death:
Formal: Of utmost importance.
Informal: Crucial.
Slang: A matter of life and death.
7. End up:
Formal: Arrive in a particular situation.
Informal: Find oneself.
Slang: Wind up.
8. Go on:
Formal: Be unable to think or respond.
Informal: Be at a loss.
Slang: Be stumped.